When is a Permit Required?

The State of Florida has adopted a uniform Building Code, otherwise known as the Florida Building Code. All towns, cities, and counties are required to adopt and enforce the Florida Building Code. The Codes consist of Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas Electrical, Accessibility, Energy Code and existing Building Codes.

All work requiring a permit must follow the codes as written. The codes cover a wide range of aspects, but are generally to ensure compliance with life safety and proper construction for a safe and efficient environment for occupants. In addition to a safer environment for owners and occupants, insurance companies provide favorable rates for towns, cities, and counties that provide plan review and building inspections for all construction related activity that follow nationally recognized building codes.

In addition to adopting the Florida Building Code, the Town has adopted regulations in its Code
of Ordinances to ensure that all development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and will
preserve the character and quality of residential neighborhoods.

Most work done within the Town requires a permit, including all work done on the Town’s right-of-way. Town right of way often includes all land within or adjacent to Town roads and properties. The following list includes some exception to permitting requirements, but may not be a complete list. Before starting any work, please check with the Town’s Building Department staff to determine whether your proposed work will require a permit.